06 January 2007

York...more than a peppermint patty

On the 30th we visited York (after we escaped from Sheffield). York is definitely a place to spend some time. We visited the York Minster Cathedra which is the largest medieval gothic cathedral in Northern Europe and is also a missionary church (that's what minster means...I had to look it up). On the pamphlet it says "Not all cathedrals are minsters; not all minsters are cathedrals - but York Minster is both." I think that's very cool! I'm all for originality. As for the rest of York...it's adorable...and there are old Roman ruins, fantastic shops and character to spare.

Outside the York Minster

This gives you some scale...this thing is huge!

Beautiful stained glass windows...my favorite part.

Inside the nave of the cathedral.

The Chapter room has all these little carved faces in it...this poor lady has 3! I think I know how she feels.

Statue of Constantine, the Roman Emperor, outside York Minster

Mobs of people were also visiting York! I don't blame them :)

Part of the Roman ruins I mentioned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.