25 January 2007


Here I was thinking that by moving to London I'd have to just be okay with not getting any snow because we're at sea level. (You'd think I'd have gotten used to it in San Diego where it's warmer...not so much). And then this morning I woke up to a snow covered ground!! Sooo exciting. So here are pictures of my oh so exciting snow covered New Cross. Luckily my lecturer on Wednesdays starts late cause I was running late to class...but HAD to get the pictures before everything melted...everything was going my way today. Plus I got to reconnect with an old friend, meet with my dissertation supervisor so I feel like I'm more on track and get a great yoga workout. Good day! Hope everyone else had a great Wednesday too. Snow covered wishes to you all!

Snow on what little greenery I have out my window [yup...those are bars...I'm safe:) ]

Same snow on the same greenery above...just a different view (with less vertigo)

View of the quad with a dusting of snow and evidence of others keen to play in the snow!

The up close artsy shot...gotta have one of those

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