11 January 2007

Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary! Cathedral Day!

We dubbed the 4th cathedral day cause we visited Westminster Abbey, wandered the waterfront and then visited St. Pauls Cathedral. It really was a fantastic day because both cathedrals are very different but equally beautiful and St. Pauls is my new favorite place in London. It's got good vibes :)

Outside of Westminster Abbey - You can't take pictures inside either cathedral soooo...guess you just need to visit me :)

The main entrance...imposing isn't it!

A different view of Parliament (cause the Abbey is right across the Street.

Blue Skies on the Waterfront (Finally!)

There's this skate park on the south bank of the Thames that's just cool and people are always doing neat tricks there...but...evidently they were taking a break cause Patrick didn't get a picture of any of them!

Bobbies on a Bridge (I love the funny hats)

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

View of the front of St. Pauls Cathedral.

At St. Pauls you can climb a gazillion stairs to get outside balconies on the dome, both at the base of the dome and the very top. This is a view from the middle one of the Millenium Bridge and the Tate Modern. Well worth the trek!

Another sprawling view from the middle level...pretty cool.

Here's a view from the very top with a Patrick in it.

This was a pretty awesome sight...the sun breaking through just one point in the clouds when we were at the top. Absolutely beautiful!

These were the stairs at the very top...you basically had to squish your way through and hope you had the balance to not fall cause...no arm rails!

I found this statue on a postcard and almost bought it since we can't take pictures, but then...I found the statue next to the cafe...where we can take pictures!! I just love this one.

And...after St. Pauls the boys managed to hunt down yet another football stadium...this time it was Arsenal.

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