05 January 2007

Edinburgh - Must come back!

I think every one of us fell in love with Scotland when we arrived. On the way up we visited Blackpool which is probably pretty cool in the summer time, but in the winter it was bitter cold and we only lasted about 15 minutes and rolled out. When we arrived in Edinburgh though we went right into the city and wandered around. It's beautiful with so many amazing buildings! There's really no way to describe it unless you see it...sooo....see it below.


Craigmillar Castle...it was closed...but at least we got to see the outside.

Old Building in the Dark (don't know what this one is...but it's pretty)

Ferris Wheel aglow in the background! I think we've determined that Ferris Wheels must be some governmental requirement because there was one set up in almost every city we've visted so far!

Edinburgh aglow at night with carnival rides for the holidays

Our awesome B&B...I think our favorite thing about staying there was Angela, the owner, who always had a fun story in her great accent. If anyone knows where you can buy a Scottish brogue...mom wants one :)

Look how cozy the inside of the B&B is!!

National Monument on Calton Hill

People along the Royal Mile. If you can...the best way to walk this one is from the top to the bottom...uphill will kick your butt (or get it in shape)!

Spire of St. Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile

Inside St. Giles Cathedral

Altar in St. Giles Cathedral

Edinburgh Castle...Standing strong since the 11th Century. This is where Scotland's crown jewels are held...pretty sparklies...but they don't let you take pictures...sorry!

Inside the Castle

Big Guns! Every day at 1pm they fire a cannon...citizens in Edinburgh have learned to set their watch by it.

View from a castle window. They were pretty smart building that way up on a hill...you can see everything!

Us at the castle with our trusty guidebook

The Castle Grounds

Castle at Night

Really cool Christmas Decorating...it's the closest we got to snow.

The morning before we left Edinburgh we wandered out along the water which was only a block away from the B&B. It's not actually the ocean though...it's called the Firth of Forth and is more like a Channel or something...but you can't see the other side...so it's big...therefore it's ocean!


Patrick posing by the Firth of Forth...he totally color coordinated that day!

Mom and Dad

More of the Boardwalk...I bet this place is fun in the summer...but I probably still wouldn't swim...Cold!

On our way out of Scotland we were able to catch a nighttime glimpse of Stirling Castle..the second largest castle in Scotland (Edinburgh being the first largest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys fell in LOVE with Scotland! Cheryl & I felt equally enchanted when we went and have wanted to go back since. I may be disowned for saying so, but I vote that we move the next family reunion from Ireland to Scotland!