06 January 2007

St. Andrews...Home of golf!

On our way out of Edinburgh we made a little jaunt north to visit St. Andrews...Dad and Patrick's mothership! Apparently Scotland is where golf began. Not that I'd really thought about it before but I imagined golf beginning someplace a little warmer. Regardless...we got to see beautiful scenery (in my opinion...the best part of golf) and on a wander through the Golf Museum we learned that all the kings and queens golfed...in fact...Mary Queen of Scots golfed the day after her husband was murdered...much to people's dismay. And did you know that the first golf balls had feather centers? I didn't! And we learned that if they were still made that way...Patrick would be horrible at golf!

If there's one thing St. Andrews definitely is...it's beautiful!

I don't golf save a few mini golf challenges, but St. Andrews makes you want to learn...that's for sure.

Look...Mom and I are golfing!

While we were there we wandered along the course and had fish and chips at the St. Andrews links clubhouse...right on the course! Then Patrick and Dad proceeded to do some souvenir shopping...you'd have thought they were a couple of women in Harrods!

The green...and our view from the clubhouse...ahh...nice and relaxing.

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