06 January 2007

Sheffield...so confusing even GPS gets lost!

We stayed in Sheffield for one night...and that was enough. We totally freaked out when we realized that Ms. Kensington, our GPS guru had no clue what the roads in Sheffield looked like and couldn't direct us worth beans! And just Patrick and the map got us wandering around lost! We did find the hotel eventually and let Ms. Kensington rest hoping she'd be able to navigate us out of there in the morning. One thing we did realize...this trip would not have been possible without our GPS upgrade because no map can prepare you for navigating Britain - roundabouts, roundabouts and more roundabouts...basically...to get anywhere in the United Kingdom...turn LEFT! We are incredibly grateful for our awesome Christmas gift!

As for Sheffield...we were so worried about getting out of there...all we got were pictures of the hotel. Maybe next time...

The Marriott...really a beautiful building (with incredibly expensive breakfast!)

They had a lake behind the hotel. Definitely would have been nice to relax a bit...but we were on our way to York and fighting daylight!

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