10 January 2007

Happy New Year!

After spending the whole day walking around the city...we spent the evening...well...walking around the city! We ventured down to the north bank of the Thames across from the London Eye and prepared to watch the fireworks at midnight. We did spend about an hour in the queue waiting for the potties. If London had a suggestion box I'd write them a note to tell them that they're gonna need more than 10 porta potties for the gazillions of people that are going to show up for the Olympics in 2012. They needed more than 10 for the millions of people they trapped on the embankment for New Years! Sheesh!

We did make it out of that queue (we were relieved in more ways than one) and we shoved our way through the mobs of people, found a little bit of open space and waited for the countdown.

The Eye all Aglow

We look all bundled up...and we are...but it actually wasn't that cold out and the wind had miraculously stopped.

10 minutes to go!

5 minutes...not much time left!

Bang! Boom! Can you hear them? Do you feel like you were there? (hmm...blogs have their limits I guess)

Fancy Fireworks! They hired the guy who did the fireworks in Sydney for the Millenium!

Good practice for the Olympics!

This was the crazy flaming finale! It was a truly awesome show and now we can say we celebrated the new year in London!

Apres the fireworks...it was butt to butt traffic! This is the mob in Trafalgar square. Tube travel was free that night but we weren't about to trap ourselves underground with crazy drunkards so we walked back to the hotel

This is a bunch of looneys jumping around on the statue in front of Buckingham palace. The queen got no sleep that night!!

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