10 January 2007

Steaks and Stones - tee hee...punny!

Get it? We visited Salisbury (steaks) and Stonehenge (stones). Hmm...my wit may be a bit off tonight...but it made me giggle when I came up with the title :)

Since our trip made us start a day behind, we didn't get a chance to visit the souther areas of the country and we really wanted to see Stonehenge. So on the 3rd we hopped a train to Salisbury and then a bus to Stonehenge and took the walking tour (in wind and cold...brr). It's smaller than I though it would be, but it's still awe inspiring. The stones are huge and the area just has a great vibe to it. I'll definitely need to visit that place in warmer weather and explore the surrounding area.

Salisbury is a cute little town with a cathedral that has the highest spire in all of Europe. It was rainy though so we wandered a bit, got some food and railed on home. We did make friends with a girl on the train who was just starting her own whirlwind tour of Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands. We played cards and she kicked our butts (much to Patrick's dismay) and then we exchanged blogs so we could see how the other's trip is going. I...am a blog slacker so you're getting all this 7 days later :)

The gushing river Avon travels through Salisbury too!

Look...it's like a medieval gazebo!

Salisbury Cathedral photographed Patrick style - crooked!

The cathedral courtyard.

Also part of the courtyard...really cool hallway thing.

It really is an impressive sight! The huge stones in the outer ring were brought to the sight from 19 miles away and the smaller ones on the inside were brought from Wales, 240 miles away. And it was done 4,500 years ago! Unless they had prehistoric cranes and flatbed trucks...that musta been difficult!

This is a lonely station stone. I forget what it does except look cute and tiny compared to all the others.

The henge in all its glory.

The heel stone. Looks like it has a face.

Another of Patrick's artsy photos. You dizzy yet?

1 comment:

KBO said...

Hi Heather! This is Kate, you know, the girl who kicked butt in cards on the train. :-)

I had such a fantastic time meeting you and your family on the way back to London from Salisbury. Sounds like you guys were very busy after we went our separate ways!