11 January 2007

All good things must come to an end

Well...that's been our trip. On the 5th we all ventured to Heathrow...via the tube with 4 huge suitcases, a backpacking backpack and 3 carry ons. That...was exhausting. But my family, sadly, caught their flight home and I hopped back on the tube and headed back to New Cross. We did have a fantastic trip and I know we were all excited to sleep in our own beds and rest from the busy vacation. Here's the map highlighting everywhere we drove to...we certainly traveled some distance!

I hope you enjoyed the Reagan Family Christmas card (belated since it's now the 11th...sorry...I had two 5000 word papers to write...but enough with the excuses). Keep checking back as I update with more stuff I'm doing here!

Lots of Love to Everyone!

1 comment:

Hez said...

No need to wait...all those pictures WERE Patrick's...he he :) He was the trip photographer since he had the fancy schmancy camera!