11 August 2007

Totally Awesome

Evidently...the fact that I say 'Totally' and 'Awesome' makes me sound uber American to all these brits. Every time I say it, someone giggles or tries to repeat it in their American accent. But...they are two words not likely to leave my vocabularly any time soon so I'll just have to be okay with being very American and say...here are some things I think are "Totally Awesome!"

Go Green...err...Black!
If you want to be environmentally friendly but are internet addicted like me, you'll be happy to learn about Blackle.com. Blackle.com is a new search engine powered by Google that has a completely black screen to save energy. The theory is that "a monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen" (Roberson et al, 2002). Though its not yet proven...I tend to agree with Heap Media, the creators of Blackle.com: "We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy." So...join me and Go Blackle!

Not Exactly Awesome...More a "Who Knew We Needed It" item
Man Kleenex! I discovered recently that the counselor at the centre I work at keeps a huge box of Man Kleenex on hand. Doing an oh so energy savvy Blackle search, I learned that KLEENEX® For Men tissues are big, strong & reliable enough for all your needs. I guess big, strong & reliable men need big, strong & reliable tissues. What makes me sad though is that you can't see how truly BIG these things are. The box is probably 12" long by 8" wide and 2" deep. And every chemist (that's drugstore/pharmacy to you Americans) carries these honkin' tissue boxes. The best part...you can't get 'em in the states! Does that mean men in the states are more okay with their masculinity? Or that us feminists have fought for the right to have equality in tissues! Whatever the reason...freakin' funny!

Awesome is Totally Awesome
My oh so clever, organized and hilarious friend Lynn introduced me to a blog that has become a weekly must read for me. It's called Awesome (appropriately enough). Sarah and Wendy from Chicago crack me up regularly with their commentary on all things they've found to be awesome. And the best part is..they have links to where you can purchase the awesome stuff! All in one place! I just love it. Check them out...I guarantee you'll giggle so much you may need a man kleenex for the laugh-tears!


Anonymous said...

I love blackle I am going to have to use it at work, because being on a computer for 8 hours kills me and my eyes. I love the black screen it is very calming. Thanks for the AWESOME AWESOME info!


Jason Jeremiah said...

I will use blackle from now on because i am blackle.
Bad black joke, but I also like your blogger and youtube. I will subscribe.