09 August 2007

Elaborate Procrastination

Not having Internet in the evenings has changed me. Well…not really. It just means I spend more time on creative pursuits I’d normally not get to because I’d be lost in the black hole abyss of the world wide web. For instance, last night in betweens the laundry swaps (I hadn’t done laundry in a loooooong time so I had plenty of time to kill) I decided it would be fun to do some bedroom karaoke. And then I thought it would be fun to put it to a slideshow of sorts with these fun Pictures of Walls I found online. Really…I should have been studying. But I’d been in the library earlier and frankly…it just wasn’t happening. So instead my bedroom karaoke turned photo montage became my elaborate procrastination for the evening. I figured since I went through all the effort…I’d share it with you. At least I was productive in one way or another. All in all…yesterday was a day of accomplishment despite the fact that my dissertation is not yet finished. No worries though…It’s well on it’s way and in 4 weeks I’ll be done and back in the states relaxing and visiting. Yay!

Without further ado…the results of Heather’s elaborate procrastination…

Hmm…I really should learn to play an instrument. It’d make much more interesting audio. Oi...jeez Heather...that’s a project for AFTER the dissertation! Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

Hearing your voice makes me miss you more!! Can't wait to see you in September!
Rebecca C

Anonymous said...

You are a truly amazing (and talented) person, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. Even if you are thousands of miles away, and we can't sing Little Mermaid songs in Downtown SD anymore. :) Miss you.