28 August 2007

Stress Ball

It's down to the wire. So much to do, so little time.

In exactly 10 days I fly back to the states.
In 9 days, I pack and store all my belongings.
In 8 days, I turn in my dissertation and finish my last day of work (and then party...wooo!)
In 7 days, I pre-pack and give things away and pray I get a job offer.
In 6 days, I print my dissertation and get it bound.
In 5 days, I make the last minute adjustments and corrections to my dissertation.
In 4 days, I take the day off to recover.
In 3 days, I have a job interview and celebrate my 27th birthday with plenty of drinks and lots of friends.
In 2 days, I finish the major bits of my dissertation
In 1 day, I write like a fiend and try not to become a huge stress ball.

Right now...I obviously procrastinate because I'm too freaked out and utterly excited about the next 10 insane days of my life and all the fun I'm set to have after them. (The stress will return in October with the whole finding a job and a place to live task...minor details)


Anonymous said...

IT'S 4am your time on 8/31....


is it done?
is it done?
is it done?

I can't stand not knowing!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hez! Your public needs blogs! We need to know what's going on on that side of the planet! We miss you! Kiss kiss!
