03 August 2007

Heaven Bless the Podcast

You'd all be proud...I'm in the library! Though...this morning not getting too much work done as I've been checking emails and being incredibly ingenious about this no internet thing - I'm downloading Podcasts!

So...maybe I'm just weak and not doing this withdrawal thing all that well. But frankly, after the sun goes down sometimes you just want to sit back, chill out and watch something! And then...I discovered the video podcast! So while I'm in the library studying, my little iTunes is working away downloading free funnies from HBO or interestings from the Discovery Channel so when I'm in my room later, I can play them and giggle to myself.

My favorite so far (Thanks to Miss Lynn!) is the NPR radio podcast of their game show "Wait, Wait...don't tell me". It's a CRACK-UP! And is sadly the way I've been keeping up to date on the US of A. But I can sit down and be typing away, or organizing notes, or cleaning my room, or staring off into space and listen to them yapping away. If you podcast...DEFINITELY check that one out! I guarantee you will laugh out loud and not regret it.

Podcast - you are the sensory addict saving grace!

(I'll wean myself off podcasts post dissertation stress! I only have so much willpower people)

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