28 August 2007

Stress Ball

It's down to the wire. So much to do, so little time.

In exactly 10 days I fly back to the states.
In 9 days, I pack and store all my belongings.
In 8 days, I turn in my dissertation and finish my last day of work (and then party...wooo!)
In 7 days, I pre-pack and give things away and pray I get a job offer.
In 6 days, I print my dissertation and get it bound.
In 5 days, I make the last minute adjustments and corrections to my dissertation.
In 4 days, I take the day off to recover.
In 3 days, I have a job interview and celebrate my 27th birthday with plenty of drinks and lots of friends.
In 2 days, I finish the major bits of my dissertation
In 1 day, I write like a fiend and try not to become a huge stress ball.

Right now...I obviously procrastinate because I'm too freaked out and utterly excited about the next 10 insane days of my life and all the fun I'm set to have after them. (The stress will return in October with the whole finding a job and a place to live task...minor details)

11 August 2007

Totally Awesome

Evidently...the fact that I say 'Totally' and 'Awesome' makes me sound uber American to all these brits. Every time I say it, someone giggles or tries to repeat it in their American accent. But...they are two words not likely to leave my vocabularly any time soon so I'll just have to be okay with being very American and say...here are some things I think are "Totally Awesome!"

Go Green...err...Black!
If you want to be environmentally friendly but are internet addicted like me, you'll be happy to learn about Blackle.com. Blackle.com is a new search engine powered by Google that has a completely black screen to save energy. The theory is that "a monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen" (Roberson et al, 2002). Though its not yet proven...I tend to agree with Heap Media, the creators of Blackle.com: "We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy." So...join me and Go Blackle!

Not Exactly Awesome...More a "Who Knew We Needed It" item
Man Kleenex! I discovered recently that the counselor at the centre I work at keeps a huge box of Man Kleenex on hand. Doing an oh so energy savvy Blackle search, I learned that KLEENEX® For Men tissues are big, strong & reliable enough for all your needs. I guess big, strong & reliable men need big, strong & reliable tissues. What makes me sad though is that you can't see how truly BIG these things are. The box is probably 12" long by 8" wide and 2" deep. And every chemist (that's drugstore/pharmacy to you Americans) carries these honkin' tissue boxes. The best part...you can't get 'em in the states! Does that mean men in the states are more okay with their masculinity? Or that us feminists have fought for the right to have equality in tissues! Whatever the reason...freakin' funny!

Awesome is Totally Awesome
My oh so clever, organized and hilarious friend Lynn introduced me to a blog that has become a weekly must read for me. It's called Awesome (appropriately enough). Sarah and Wendy from Chicago crack me up regularly with their commentary on all things they've found to be awesome. And the best part is..they have links to where you can purchase the awesome stuff! All in one place! I just love it. Check them out...I guarantee you'll giggle so much you may need a man kleenex for the laugh-tears!

09 August 2007

Elaborate Procrastination

Not having Internet in the evenings has changed me. Well…not really. It just means I spend more time on creative pursuits I’d normally not get to because I’d be lost in the black hole abyss of the world wide web. For instance, last night in betweens the laundry swaps (I hadn’t done laundry in a loooooong time so I had plenty of time to kill) I decided it would be fun to do some bedroom karaoke. And then I thought it would be fun to put it to a slideshow of sorts with these fun Pictures of Walls I found online. Really…I should have been studying. But I’d been in the library earlier and frankly…it just wasn’t happening. So instead my bedroom karaoke turned photo montage became my elaborate procrastination for the evening. I figured since I went through all the effort…I’d share it with you. At least I was productive in one way or another. All in all…yesterday was a day of accomplishment despite the fact that my dissertation is not yet finished. No worries though…It’s well on it’s way and in 4 weeks I’ll be done and back in the states relaxing and visiting. Yay!

Without further ado…the results of Heather’s elaborate procrastination…

Hmm…I really should learn to play an instrument. It’d make much more interesting audio. Oi...jeez Heather...that’s a project for AFTER the dissertation! Sheesh!

03 August 2007

Heaven Bless the Podcast

You'd all be proud...I'm in the library! Though...this morning not getting too much work done as I've been checking emails and being incredibly ingenious about this no internet thing - I'm downloading Podcasts!

So...maybe I'm just weak and not doing this withdrawal thing all that well. But frankly, after the sun goes down sometimes you just want to sit back, chill out and watch something! And then...I discovered the video podcast! So while I'm in the library studying, my little iTunes is working away downloading free funnies from HBO or interestings from the Discovery Channel so when I'm in my room later, I can play them and giggle to myself.

My favorite so far (Thanks to Miss Lynn!) is the NPR radio podcast of their game show "Wait, Wait...don't tell me". It's a CRACK-UP! And is sadly the way I've been keeping up to date on the US of A. But I can sit down and be typing away, or organizing notes, or cleaning my room, or staring off into space and listen to them yapping away. If you podcast...DEFINITELY check that one out! I guarantee you will laugh out loud and not regret it.

Podcast - you are the sensory addict saving grace!

(I'll wean myself off podcasts post dissertation stress! I only have so much willpower people)

02 August 2007

Message Received Loud and Clear

I believe in signs. Years ago I figured out that the first time something happens, it’s meaningful, the second time, it’s a coincidence and the third time, it’s a sign. These are the signs that creep up on you, that sneak into your world at their own pace to give you a message. And then there are signs that come at you lights flashing and sirens blaring. These are the signs that stop you dead in your tracks and make you pay attention. Often these come as a result of an inability to pick up on the little signs, leaving the powers that be with no other option than to write in neon, yell through a megaphone and do everything short of tattoo a message on your forehead.

Today that sign arrived as the oh so devastating realization (and later confirmation) that our Internet had been cancelled as of August 1 instead of August 31. That’s right people, just days after admitting my sensory addiction, I’ve been cut off cold turkey! In order for us to get reconnected, we’d have to go through the whole set up process again (money we don’t have and all) and so instead, we will face the next 37 days with no wi-fi at home.

What’s incredible to me is that there are moments I think, “Hey…no biggie, a lot of people don’t have Internet and the Library is a three minute walk away.” Then there are the moments I’m in my room absolutely unable to focus or study, with no TV and now, no Internet, where I become truly aware of the severity of my sense addiction. I don’t know what to do with myself! Which is evidently the point of the universe saying, “Enough already, if you aren’t going to wean yourself off of it, we’re going to do it for you!”

The funniest part of the whole situation is that despite the fact that I feel like the Internet is what keeps me connected with email and all…it is in fact the absence of the Internet that makes me feel the most connected. At 10:40pm I am aware that I don’t have anything to distract myself. I can’t lose myself in a TV show or randomly surf the web and fill my brain with random bits of information. Instead, I am here, with myself and my fears and my insecurities and thankfully, with Microsoft Word. I’m connected in a more active and focused way. And I am incredibly grateful. I have learned so much about myself this year, having truly become aware of what I need, what I can live without and what makes me happy. Turns out, I don’t need the Internet in my room to be happy [This is going to be my mantra for the next 37 days. Maybe I should go surfing on the library Internet to see if they make a patch for Web Withdrawals. Hmm…]

Since I’m now aware that what I have written is less happy-go-lucky-blog and more soap-opera-journal-entry, I’ll start winding this down. The point of all this writing is first to empty my head (not easy…there’s lots going on up there) and second to share with the world what signs like this mean to me. Weird things happen. Sometimes they aren’t easy to deal with. Sometimes they aren’t so convenient. But most of the time, they’re exactly what we need.

No Internet means I have to get better at time management and leave early instead of checking train times and running out of the building the very last minute to catch my tube. No Internet means I have no excuse to not sit down and work my butt off on this dissertation. No Internet means I have to actually plan my time to I can be sure to email, blog and talk to my friends and family, making the important things a priority during the time I have Internet access instead of an “I’ll get to it later” item. No Internet means I have to take those quiet moments for myself, to meditate, to write and to just be, something that’s harder than you might think. Most importantly, No Internet means that as I try to navigate my life and my responsibilities right now, I know I’m not alone. Some spirit somewhere loves me enough to answer my prayers for focus, simplicity and peace by taking away my crutch, my escape – my Internet. There are people and there are angels looking out for me, helping me to travel my path, the one that will allow me to live the best possible life I can.

Rest assured that this does not mean I will stop blogging. If anything, to entertain myself in the wee hours of the evening, or day or whatever time I used to spend web surfing, I may instead be writing witty repartee for your reading pleasure. Be not afraid...I will write about what I’m doing and what I’m thinking whether you like it or not :)