09 July 2007

London Unplugged

Yesterday I went out to dinner with my friend Alison on the SouthBank near Tower Bridge. As we were leaving the restaurant we saw a couple of big guitars sitting out. Turns out...it was a huge art installation of 7 ft tall Gibson guitars that had all been painted by artists and signed by different musicians. I got camera happy so here they all are!!

Actually...before we get to the guitars...on our walk which is also part of my regular run, there is this rad looking head sculpture thing I'd always wanted to get a picture of, but...well..I don't run with my camera. So here that is first...

Here's the head...

The quote on the bottom of the head reads: "Though human genius in its various inventions with various instruments may answer the same end, it will never find an invention more beautiful or more simple or direct than nature, because in her inventions, nothing is lacking and nothing superfluous." - Leonardo Da Vinci

Picture of a building I run by that's right on the water and where my imaginary flat is.

Not the fanciest of the guitars...but you can see Tower Bridge so it's the most photogenic.

See...all lined up and they're HUGE!

Pretty abstract one

And the Crowd Goes Wild! (Aptly named)

He he...butt.



Beware the Fire Monkey


This one plays itself

They call him the Guitar Man

Can you feel the love?

The Golden Oldie

Animal print is in

This one is signed by Ozzy Osborne...looks like him peeking over the skull.

Evidently the girl wears it well. I don't get it...but it's signed by Rod Stewart.

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