08 July 2007

Faster than the speed of my camera...

This morning I woke up and wandered to Greenwich to watch the Tour de France! I was so excited to finally see something the whole world knows about and watches on TV...only...I had the opportunity to see it in person. When you see it on TV it seems like there's a never ending line of cyclists and you could spend all afternoon sitting there and watching. Really...those cyclists are stinkin' fast and they're there and gone in a flash. Literally! Below are some of the pictures I was able to get. Short or not...it was still really cool to say I saw the Tour de France on its way out of Central London and back to France. Rad!

Sidenote...I guess it's a good thing they block off all the roads used for the tour de france, because the french cars kept driving on the wrong...(that's the right) side of the street here. Made me giggle.

Someone on the sidelines with British Pride.

There's the mob on approach...can you see em?

I nearly got run over...whoops!

That guy looks too relaxed considering he's doing the Tour de France

Frankly...there are more cars in the Tour de France than cycles. These ones carry all the extra cycles.

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