29 July 2007

Jumping Back to June

I know June is LONG gone...but I forgot to blog one of the funnest days I had with my American Girls. It was just days before Lynn left to head home to the states and was our outing to relax and just spend time together. It was soooo much fun! We went to the Thermae Bath Spa and swam in a heated rooftop pool in the rain, got all sauna'd aroma steam rooms and acted like 5 year olds (I may have started that) in the Minerva hot bath which had a fun current meant to, I assume, circulate the water, but when floating on noodles, it made a super rad lazy river ride! Had us giggling for long time!! After that we had a wonderful meal at a pub with a not so appetizing name (The Slug and Lettuce) - but name aside...fantastic food. All in all...it was a much needed respite with 3 of my favorite girlfriends. Lucky for me Molly and Rebecca are staying in London too (Yay!) and Lynn is with us in spirit and via Skype. Here are some of the pics from our day out.

Lynn and Rebecca on the Train

Me and Molly being hammy on the train

Bath's a little place full of character

Pretty pretty

Bridge look familiar? It was modeled after the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy

The girls peeking over at the bridge

The river Avon

Bath Cathedral

Old pump room for the old Roman baths

Creepy guy sitting on top of a trashcan. By far one of the best human statues (and heart attack inducers) I've seen in the UK.

Jacob's Ladder on the outside of the cathedral

Cathedral from afar

From the train platform

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Hez-

So glad you girls had so much fun! I'll bet you all could use the good times! Bath looks beautiful...we did a quick bus ride through there when I was there.. but it's a tragedy to miss that rooftop spa!!! You look great! Much Love,