09 April 2007

Paris...city of romance and RAIN!

The day we all arrived in Paris...it was raining...and it was COLD! After who knows how many hours of flying, Jen and Jas had to wait in the uber cold train station waiting for me. Such good friends I have :) That day was full of adventures. The Metro...where Jason and his suitcase had a run in with a not so friendly turnstile and obscenities flew. La Tour Eiffel...which we didn't see until we were virtually underneath it (dang hoods!). The hunt for the hotel in a place where one itty bitty word equals two different streets not so close together! And a cab ride which luckily was not expensive an in which we discovered that Jen was great at speaking french....Jason can translate French only when it's the most complicated phrase ever...and I...am horrible at french :) After all of that...the only thing we could manage was a nap (with blankets piled on cause even the hotel room was cold) and dinner which we luckily found at a tasty place just down the street. Day 1...finally at the hotel, a little damp, but not frostbitten.

I've arrived! Jen and Jas shiver with joy...and hypothermia.

Look...we found the Eiffel Tower!

Drippy was the word of the day (I wonder if there's a french version of "drippy"...hmmm..)

The weirdy room key...you only get one!

He looks so peaceful...what can we do to him?!?

While they slept...I hunted for things to do and places to eat. The answer...everything and everywhere!

The only photo op we managed after dinner...then it was back to the hotel which we hoped had warmed up to a toasty 30 degrees celsius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. Yeah, the street mixup was my bad. Who knew there were many Rue Davids! ha!

Poor Hez, she was so patient since we were so tired from the traveling. Good thing the girl can study! She was like our very our MAPQUEST!

Our hotel was great! Except that the key kept reprogramming and locking us out! And then you had to wait for me while listening to people having sex! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!