15 April 2007

Lance Bass is my long lost twin

Before I get back to the Paris blogging...I must first share with you the thing that's had me giggling to myself all day (and was a fantastically funny hour or so of procrastination).

If you visit MyHeritage.com they have a tool where you can upload a photo and it matches your face to the celebrities you most look like. I tried one...and on my first try I got this great list of all women...and one guy (who...is a young hot hockey player...so not too shabby). Fun tidbit...the top match girl is a British TV star...how fitting!

Then....I decided to run a few more photos to see what I got...and it just got funnier from there. Turns out...a picture of me and my brother...turns up my highest match as Lance Bass...and his as really pretty model chick Adriana Lima...hmmm. Haha...and check out Shaquille...who knew we looked so much alike?!?

A few more photo uploads and I soon realized that Lance Bass is my long lost twin...as he was my number one or two for at least 4 of my photos! Uh...Mikhail Gorbachev came up twice too...but I'm gonna forget that ever happened. If you need a good laugh...go there now! Bonus...it matches all the faces in a photo so you get like 3 for 1! Below are some more of my matches...(who the heck is Kevin Mitnick and do I really look like him?! Ewww)

Oooh...I am Wonder Woman! And the hot hockey player again...go me!

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