30 March 2007

Where did all the good food go??

Well...I've officially returned from Paris. For those of you that didn't know I went...uh...I did :) Jenny, Jason and I had an amazing time and ate all the french food we could possible cram in. Now that I'm back in London...it's nice to be home (cause London really does feel like home) but there are fewer possibilities for good food cause, well...it's Britain, and I'd either need to shell out too many quid or cook it myself!

Since I lost my camera, there will be a bit of a delay in the blogging of our trip, but I've taken notes and my brain is packed full of witty comments and fun little stories from our trip (the most surprising of which is Old Man Weiner....but you'll have to wait to hear the rest of that one!) Jen and Jas are probably just waking up from their first night back in their own bed...so I'll give them some time before I expect them to just start downloading photos and send them my way!

In the meantime...patience is a virtue!
(I'd have written that in French if anything I'd learned in the 6 years I took french stayed with me...sadly...it didn't.)


Anonymous said...

HAHA! Thank goodness we all remember different stories... I almost forgot Old Man Weiner! I think one of my favorites it Jason's string of curse words after getting stuck in the turny thing in the Metro. I laugh just thinking about it!
Okay- So, I spent ALLLLL day today (Sunday, I think) organizing photos. Editing from about 400 to 350, labeling, uploading, putting them BACK in order after they got messed up from the upload, and finally sharing. I am almost there. They should be accessible by morning (here that is!).

Anonymous said...

by the way... I keep thinking about the desserts we had at the tiny cute fancy restaurant... SOOO GOOD!