09 April 2007

The sun came out...Thank God!

And to thank God...we wandered to Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame and St. Sulpice on Sunday. That means...we walked like fiends! And Montmartre, where Sacre Coeur is, is the hilliest part of Paris (at least...of everywhere we went) so our legs got a good workout. Luckily there was no nudity that day...but there was no shortage of weirdys. Since most of this day was uneventful...I'll let the pics speak for themselves (with my witty commenting of course).

This place really is beautiful.

It's crazy cause every picture of Sacre Coeur looks like it's been super imposed onto a blue sky...but that really was the sky!

Lovebirds on the steps.

On our hunt for lunch we came across the fruit stand from the movie Amelie...funny!


We were looking for a little place on one of our tour maps for lunch that was supposed to be by this windmill. We found the windmill...and no food!

Notre Dame...can you hear the bells?

Weirdy of the day...Bird Man.

That statue is stepping on someone...

Inside...coolest ceilings.

The famous rose window.

Pretty gardens and a pretty Jen at the back of Notre Dame.

Back of Notre Dame and the Seine.

The rose line in the St. Sulpice. What we didn't photograph were all the articles and postings about how the rose line really isn't the rose line...I don't think they're too keen on the DaVinci Code.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so that was a church-y day. It's really amazing, though. Thinking about all the work that went into all these places... genearations of people, sometimes.

Walking around Notre Dame on Ile de le cite (or someting to that effect) was very cool. It went from quaint, with a bird farmers market (?) to a bustling Latin Quartier farther south where we ate some yummy meals!

Anonymous said...

oops. I guess I should proofread before I publish... sorry bout the typos.