08 March 2007

Pony out of Place

Living in London I've come to expect a certain number of oddities...human statues...silent discos in the middle of train stations. And today...it was a horse drawn carriage traveling along with normal traffic...in New Cross! In the city center...I might not think something like that would be out of place. In New Cross...it most certainly is! There's no nature nearby? Where did the horse come from? These are the unanswerable questions.

Weirdy horse aside...today was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining so brightly I even busted out my sunglasses for the first time since October. And the temperature was a perfect mix of warm sunshine and a cool breeze so no coat was needed. It was one of those days that makes you love London because you get to see how beautiful it really is...when it's not drippy and gray. Had I remembered to take a picture with my phone...you'd get to see. But you'll simply have to imagine for now.

I'm off to retire for the evening as I'm fully body sore from Jitsu. Ouch!

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