21 December 2006

Winter Solstice and all things Magical

The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and is occurring...well...right now. I don't really know much about the winter solstice, and what it means for our energy. I know people used to feast before a hibernation and conduct rituals to ensure the sun came back. And there are hundreds, if not thousands of ancient structures that were built simply to honor and track the cycles of the sun and moon - Stonehenge (which I get to see soon!!) is one of them.

It's funny how in our daily lives we are unaware of these things that happen every year, movements of planets that change our energy...work with us or against us. We just passed through the new moon too...a time to plant the seeds of intention...to begin to manifest what we want. Maybe the Winter Solstice is that time too...since it is always in the darkest times that the light shines the brightest.

I'm rambling...but mostly...I wanted to share the Winter Solstice with you. The recognition that whether we know it or not, the world will keep on turning, the sun will keep on shining and every 28 days, the moon will be made anew. And if we begin to pay attention to these cycles, maybe we'll feel more connected to the earth and to each other. And if there's one thing I've learned from living in a big city...it's the importance of connecting with the earth and with each other, because it's all to easy to get distracted and lost in the concrete jungle.

The solstice is officially at 00:22 (22 Dec) Greenwich mean time (i.e. My Time) which means that at 16:22 today (21 Dec) for all you west coasters - it'll be the solstice. If you get this before then...just take a moment to...well...do whatever you want...but take the moment anyway. And for those of you who are woo woo like me, you might like to know that as an angelic sign...22 means "Your deep conviction manifests miracles and wonderful new opportunities. Keep the faith!" A really good sign going into the new year.

I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and hug filled holiday season! Endulge...Rest...Rejuvenate...Give Hugs...Get Hugs...Tell people how you feel about them...Don't worry about presents or plans...just be...You deserve it :)

Lots of Love,

Fun solstice facts here: http://www.candlegrove.com/solstice.html. And the Daily OM for today is worth a read.

This is the statue of an angel on Brighton Beach...I got it at sunset...and loved it.

Pretty winter picture...I found it online at dreamstime and loved their spiral in it. Spirals are sacred. Spirals mean movement. Spirals are my life right now.

Frosty Trees (I didn't take this one...it's clip art...but it's appropriate.)

Moon...nuf said (I didn't take this one either...can't take the credit)

Skiers at Mammoth...wish I were there, but grateful I'm here.
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. - Helen Keller

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