25 December 2006

Reagan Family Christmas

Happy Holidays!

Here we are in the cloudy UK,
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
When the sun comes up, to Manchester we go,
Then through the Lake lands and on to Glasgow.
At a cozy bed and breakfast we shall stay,
Run through Scotland; frolick and play.
Then southward to York, and onward to London
Where we'll conclude our trip with plenty ... fun-don.
Our adventure we will capture on film for sure,
And by the end of the trip we shall definitely be poor.
But until we've dropped all our pounds,
Keep an eye on the blogs as we continue our rounds.

Love from the Reagans :)

Now...the first pictures of our adventure in Bristol and Cardiff.

Let us introduce you to our best friend in the UK...Ms. Kensington...our GPS tour guide! (we'd be lost...literally...without her)

Here's the fancy, schmancy Mercedes we got upgraded to. Delays have their benefits! But it's a trip with dad driving on the right side of the car, and the wrong side of the road.

Bristol Ferris Wheel all lit up for Christmas Eve

Bristol City Center all aglow (and...a blur)

View of Bristol from Hotel Window

Heather and Patrick on the Balcony (brrrr!)

Us on a street in Cardiff

Tower on Cardiff Castle

Pretty Church in Cardiff

This rad looking building is the government of Wales!

View of Cardiff Bay with the Norwegian Church (the red building)

The only place open on Christmas day and it's got a 20 pence cover charge!!

With nothing open on Christmas day...we made our own fun!

Patrick made some friends.

Picking a nose...yes....Bored...no! :)

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