11 December 2006

Color of the Month: Yellow!

This weekend was yet another busy weekend for me. On Saturday I went to my Jitsu grading (read: physically exhausting test!) and got my Yellow belt! (Yipee!) Really...that just means that higher grades can throw us around now cause we know how to land and we can start to learn how to throw people around in really cool ways. It's good fun and 9 of us graded so our club is getting good :)

Yesterday I ventured out with my friend Lynn to wander the city and we ended up at the Natural History Museum. It was really amazing because as you'll see in the pictures below...the building it's housed in is incredible! And then we tried to go to Harrod's, but alas, even the Christmas hours means it closes at 6pm on a Sunday. Not cool for those of us who want to shop later, very cool for employees because they can go home and be with their families on Sunday evenings...depends on your priorities.

Now...it's the last week of term so I have reading and two 5,000 word essays to write and I'm wondering where the last 3 months went. Time is flying by so quickly I feel like I now have less and less time to see and do everything I want. But...mom, dad and Patrick arrive in less than 2 weeks so I'll have plenty more pictures as we wander our way around the country and up into Scotland. A whirlwind trip of Great Britain! So stay tuned for that. In the meantime....pretty (really blurry-but-you-get-the-idea) pictures.

Here's the outside of the Museum at night with the little Christmas Village shops (yummy fudge!)

Natural History Museum Main Hall...speechless!

A view in the other direction.

Big Dinosaur Bones! Totally Rad!

This is a slice from a giant Sequoia from the Sierra Nevadas, CA (woo hoo!), otherwise called the "Big Tree" (how original). That tree was growing before the start of Islam...now that's old!

Here are Lynn and I in front of the Big Tree.

Here we snagged someone to take a picture of us so we could get more than half of our heads.

Tree and lights outside Harrods.

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