30 May 2007

After the Rain

Before I work my way back into the past, I'll show you what I did today. Despite it being spring, the past week has been super soggy. Plenty of rain, but the sun comes out every now and then and the sky is absolutely beautiful. Today, despite the rain, I ventured out to Hyde Park to sit in the cafe there next to the Serpentine (The Dell) and read. As is always the case...it was pouring rain while I was treking to the cafe and my umbrella was turned inside out twice, so I arrived in a waterlogged state and immedately ordered a cup of tea. 15 minutes after I settled in...the rain stopped...the sun came out...and the pigeons attempted to dry off. So on my walk back to the tube station, I took some pictures of flora and fauna in their dewdrop states. And of course...I took pictures of the soggy pigeons cause they made me giggle hiding from the rain with their frizzy feathers.


Anonymous said...

You have a new camera??? :) Rebecca

Hez said...

I do have a new camera!! After my trip to Scotland...I decided I couldn't set foot in Italy without a camera (or with the disposables) so I splurged and look how pretty!!