23 June 2007

Season Recap

Okay! I said ages ago I was going to get moving on this...and I didn't. So this is the short and sweet version of what I've been up to.

In April I zoomed off to France to spend 7 awesome days with Jen and Jas in Paris. I started blogging that trip but didn't get very far cause I had to write some essays. Got all of those done and then hopped a train to Scotland with my friend Lynn who just recently headed back home to the States (sniff...I miss her). After Scotland...I had to write one last paper and then I flew off to Italy to wander around with Travis from back home. We trekked our way through Bologna, Florence and Venice eating gelato and dying of heat along the way (those italians LOVE stairs!) After Italy I came home to get down to work. All I have left to do is my dissertation which is...in process. It's a big undertaking so I'm taking it one step at a time. In my downtime I got a part time job at a complementary health center...for the money...and cause without classes to attend I wouldn't know what day it is! So I go there and chat with clients, answer phones and test out the therapies like acupuncture, shiatsu and massage (It's rad!).

That's what I've been up to...now it's just work, school work and working out. I've taken up rock climbing again, still doing Jitsu every now and then and started running along the Thames which is keeping me zen and sane. The weather is perfect for it (except my run yesterday where 1 of the 5 miles took place in a downpour...gotta love London!)

In September I'll turn in my dissertation and fly home for a month to see all of you (or as many of you as I can) and then in October I'll head back to London to live, work and play. I love this city and I'm not ready to leave just yet. The good news is...if you're planning a trip...I'll be here! And since I got a new camera, I'll be able to keep you visually posted on what I'm up to.

NEW BLOG STUFF: If you look to your right...I've added two new links, "HezPics" and "MyTube" where you can see all my photos and videos. Scotland and Italy are on there so they're worth a look and I'll keep updating them with whatever I've been up to.

That's the bare bones of the last few months of my life. I've been loving every minute of it and will do my best to write about full episodes as they occur instead of do the quick "What happened this season" recap.


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