15 April 2007

Lance Bass is my long lost twin

Before I get back to the Paris blogging...I must first share with you the thing that's had me giggling to myself all day (and was a fantastically funny hour or so of procrastination).

If you visit MyHeritage.com they have a tool where you can upload a photo and it matches your face to the celebrities you most look like. I tried one...and on my first try I got this great list of all women...and one guy (who...is a young hot hockey player...so not too shabby). Fun tidbit...the top match girl is a British TV star...how fitting!

Then....I decided to run a few more photos to see what I got...and it just got funnier from there. Turns out...a picture of me and my brother...turns up my highest match as Lance Bass...and his as really pretty model chick Adriana Lima...hmmm. Haha...and check out Shaquille...who knew we looked so much alike?!?

A few more photo uploads and I soon realized that Lance Bass is my long lost twin...as he was my number one or two for at least 4 of my photos! Uh...Mikhail Gorbachev came up twice too...but I'm gonna forget that ever happened. If you need a good laugh...go there now! Bonus...it matches all the faces in a photo so you get like 3 for 1! Below are some more of my matches...(who the heck is Kevin Mitnick and do I really look like him?! Ewww)

Oooh...I am Wonder Woman! And the hot hockey player again...go me!

09 April 2007

Beeeep...interuption of the Hez Broadcast system

Since it's late...and my eyes are going buggy...the remainder of the Paris trip will have to wait for now. I'm sure between my many hours of studying for my 15,000 words due on May 1...I'll find some procrastinating time to put the rest up. Until then...enjoy days 1 through 3 and wait in eager anticipation :)

In the meantime...deep thoughts from Edward Monkton!

The sun came out...Thank God!

And to thank God...we wandered to Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame and St. Sulpice on Sunday. That means...we walked like fiends! And Montmartre, where Sacre Coeur is, is the hilliest part of Paris (at least...of everywhere we went) so our legs got a good workout. Luckily there was no nudity that day...but there was no shortage of weirdys. Since most of this day was uneventful...I'll let the pics speak for themselves (with my witty commenting of course).

This place really is beautiful.

It's crazy cause every picture of Sacre Coeur looks like it's been super imposed onto a blue sky...but that really was the sky!

Lovebirds on the steps.

On our hunt for lunch we came across the fruit stand from the movie Amelie...funny!


We were looking for a little place on one of our tour maps for lunch that was supposed to be by this windmill. We found the windmill...and no food!

Notre Dame...can you hear the bells?

Weirdy of the day...Bird Man.

That statue is stepping on someone...

Inside...coolest ceilings.

The famous rose window.

Pretty gardens and a pretty Jen at the back of Notre Dame.

Back of Notre Dame and the Seine.

The rose line in the St. Sulpice. What we didn't photograph were all the articles and postings about how the rose line really isn't the rose line...I don't think they're too keen on the DaVinci Code.

When the rain gets to pouring, the tourists hit the Louvre

Given that the rain hadn't let up...we planned an indoor adventure in the Louvre...with the millions of other tourists. Lucky for us that's one big place! So we wandered and saw everything we could. And I took a gazillion pictures of sculptures which are my favorite! Jen and Jas now have a photo of nearly every sculpture in the Louvre. I know 10 years from now they're gonna thank me!)

One thing we didn't get a photo of was the Mona Lisa...which you aren't supposed to photograph, and yet tons of stupid tourists take pictures anyway! But I will tell you it's very cool...smaller than many people think, but bigger than how small others say it is. And the best reason to not photograph the Mona Lisa...there are some things that one really should just come and see for themselves. Pictures can't do some things justice.

After the Louvre we decided to venture down the Champs Elysees. On our way to the Place de la Concorde, however, we had the Old Man Weiner experience! As we're walking with umbrellas and hoods, I see a man walking out of the trees wearing a coat, carrying an umbrella and wearing what I thought were shorts and kneepads. In my mind I'm wondering what kind of crazy old guy goes jogging in weather like this! Little did I know that the man wasn't jogging...nor was he wearing shorts. He wasn't wearing anything at all from the waist down! (except the knee pads of course) Jen contemplated getting a photo to prove the sighting...but when we turned around he had put his pants back on. Evidently he'd just left them on a table...perhaps a pant-less romp in the rain was something he felt he needed right then. Hard to say what he was thinking. All I know though...not anything I ever planned to see in Paris...or anywhere else!

Post Old Man Weiner...it was a normal photo taking wander from the Place de la Concorde, down the Champs Elysees (where we made frequent stops in shops...to stay dry of course) and then on to the Arc de Triomphe which is...ridiculously huge! And very pretty lit up at night (you'll see...) The last order of business was dinner...with wine...and warmth! Twas a good day!

We entered through the pyramid...this is Jason in awe.

The upside down pyramid

Sculpture land in the Louvre

One of my favorite sculptures...and I have mad photo skills.

Miss statue of liberty has a husband who lives in the Louvre. He is decidedly shorter.

Heh heh...butts

Venus de Milo...nuff said.

Jen and Jas and lots of touristy people.

Evidently if you're a sculpture..the first thing to go is the nose! Poor Marcus Aurelius.

Napoleon's apartments...super posh.

The Winged Victory

Me checking the menu for lunch...a regular occurrence throughout the whole trip

Me and Jas and lots of tourists. We weren't at the lending out the camera to get all 3 of us in a photo stage yet.

Jenny would like to have a huge funeral sculpture made for her like this one when she goes...mental note...make friends with a stoneworker.

Magic Carpet...in case of emergency...BREAK GLASS!

Absolutely beautiful...I love Eros and Psyche.

Code of Hammurabi...Jason's Favorite! Steal something...get your hand cut off. So simple.

Big stone kitty! Lucky for me...no teeth.

A picture of a statue that I DIDN'T take! Amazing! Note the greyhound...Jen and Jas missed the kids :)

This was NOT taken on the drippy day...but you get a better idea this way.

The glowing Arc. Nighttime is the best time to see this one.

Pretty...and useful as rain cover too!

Stinkin' cold! I look like an eskimo.

Paris...city of romance and RAIN!

The day we all arrived in Paris...it was raining...and it was COLD! After who knows how many hours of flying, Jen and Jas had to wait in the uber cold train station waiting for me. Such good friends I have :) That day was full of adventures. The Metro...where Jason and his suitcase had a run in with a not so friendly turnstile and obscenities flew. La Tour Eiffel...which we didn't see until we were virtually underneath it (dang hoods!). The hunt for the hotel in a place where one itty bitty word equals two different streets not so close together! And a cab ride which luckily was not expensive an in which we discovered that Jen was great at speaking french....Jason can translate French only when it's the most complicated phrase ever...and I...am horrible at french :) After all of that...the only thing we could manage was a nap (with blankets piled on cause even the hotel room was cold) and dinner which we luckily found at a tasty place just down the street. Day 1...finally at the hotel, a little damp, but not frostbitten.

I've arrived! Jen and Jas shiver with joy...and hypothermia.

Look...we found the Eiffel Tower!

Drippy was the word of the day (I wonder if there's a french version of "drippy"...hmmm..)

The weirdy room key...you only get one!

He looks so peaceful...what can we do to him?!?

While they slept...I hunted for things to do and places to eat. The answer...everything and everywhere!

The only photo op we managed after dinner...then it was back to the hotel which we hoped had warmed up to a toasty 30 degrees celsius.