27 November 2006

Thanksgiving in London

Just yesterday my American friends and I celebrated Thanksgiving by cooking up a storm and having a bunch of people crammed into our tiny hall kitchen and introducing them to the yummiest American holiday :) It was nice to have a little bit of home in Britain (a big shout out to Mom who sent me key ingredients for the Green bean casserole and pumpkin pies!)

Here are some pictures of our event:

Props to Molly and Mike for fantabulous turkeys!

Tight space...but we're all friends. This is everyone waiting for the food!

Here's the spread...we had everything - mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, salad, bread and I made sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole and pumpkin pies. I was feeling quite domestic!

Here are the American hotesses...Me, Lynn and Molly (she's not really that short).

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