18 September 2008

Yoga for charity

When I was a full time student, I was running all the time. And after my half marathon, though I was utterly exhausted, I was exhilarated too and it made me want to do more runs for charity. I considered another half marathon, but the timing wasn't right, and a 10K, but I have 3 parties to go to the night before (not good for training!)

Then I discovered an entirely different way to do exercise for charity! On 2 November I'm going to join 499 other people to do 108 yoga sun salutations for charity. Nice and slow (I hope...) but it should be fantastic...and I get to go to the 2008 London yoga show for free and be led by 9 of the top yoga teachers around the world.

This is where the plea for money comes in. You may notice I've added a new widget to the blog for my Justgiving page. I'm trying to raise £1 for every sun salutation I do. It's only £108 so even a tiny bit will help!

Click on the widget to go to my donation page. The charity I've picked is called The Special Yoga Centre, a charity dedicated to providing yoga for special needs kids and people who wouldn't otherwise have access to yoga.

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