12 September 2008

Blog Slacker Squared

Wow...June, July, August...yup...I was blog useless! Rather than do a detailed recap, I'll just summarize those months for you and move on.

June - Rain in London
July - Work and a lovely sunny holiday in the states
August - 80% unenjoyable...I was ready for September
September to date - just plenty of work but things are looking up!

A random bit of information...one of the pictures I took on my trip to Venice has been added to an online travel guide. Neato!

And in just a few weeks I get to dash off to Istanbul for 5 days to relax and spend time with my American girls who...(sniff) will be leaving me all alone in London very soon. Yes...there will be all those Brits...but it's nice to have a bit of homebase in London. The people who don't give me a funny look when I say 'high school', 'awesome' or 'trash can'.

I'm not going to make any promises in this post...cause I'm not sure I can take the pressure. I'll just say over and out for now until my next random blog post arrives :)


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