21 January 2008

The Universe Knows

Today...my horoscope was eerily on point. I regularly read my horoscope on MSN, not so much as a predictor of my day, but just to keep me aware of the bigger picture...the multiple influences. On a regular day I can often find a vague connection, but nothing like today. It wasn't a big deal really...it said I would be antsy waiting for a phone call and to just get on with my day because the call would come in the late afternoon. I was indeed antsy for not one, but two calls today...and I took it's advice and just charged ahead with my regular day and wouldn't you know it...around 4:30pm I received both the calls I'd been waiting for...one about the gym and the other to say my phone was fixed. Huzzah! Things were falling into place today! It's about time too...because both of those issues had to do with the CRAP customer service in this land we call England. All I wanted to do was change my membership from one club to another and they've been giving me the run around between clubs for 2 weeks! And the phone..I tried to keep my number and for the first week...I couldn't get calls from anyone because only half of the transfer went through. But...my perseverance paid off and they pulled through. Now if I can only convince the gym that I deserve a discount for all my troubles...hmmm....

Oooh...there were two other eerie little connections today too. I made a call to a colleague who was just picking up the phone to call me. Then...just as I was going to send her an email, one arrived from her. And just 30 minutes later, as I was writing to another colleague...she was emailing me at the same time too! I must have connected to some cosmic flow!

As for the rest of my day...mentally working on my powers of persuasion and the evil eye...you know...in case they fight me :)

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