28 January 2008


There are things in this world that never cease to inspire awe. For me those things are sunsets, the ocean, the moon, a skyline, little kids...I could go on and on. The Tower Bridge is another of those things. I never walk, run or drive past without smiling. It captures my full attention and makes me want to photograph it again and again. Tonight I did Just that. On a leisurely (and cold!) walk on the Southbank I came upon it, with no one around, all immense and aglow. Feeling it necessary, I whipped out my snazzy new phone (yup...still excited) and took yet another picture of that bridge. The funny thing is that though I've seen it and photographed it before, each time feels new somehow. It's like capturing that expression of joy on a child's face when they make a new discovery and are glowing from the inside out with pride and exhilarating newness. I wish I could remember these moments in the regular bits of my day. But I guess I'll have to do with them intermittently. Lucky for me things like that are all over London. It's one of the things that makes this such an incredible city. So...it's likely I will continue to photograph this bridge over and over again when that same feeling of wanting to capture joy washes over me. Hope you're okay with that :)

STAY TUNED: This week I'm off to Oxford, Newcastle, Leeds and Hartlepool for work so I'll be taking pics of whatever captures my fancy (or the little bits of place I get to see between meetings). On the next installment...Snippets of England!

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