30 May 2007

After the Rain

Before I work my way back into the past, I'll show you what I did today. Despite it being spring, the past week has been super soggy. Plenty of rain, but the sun comes out every now and then and the sky is absolutely beautiful. Today, despite the rain, I ventured out to Hyde Park to sit in the cafe there next to the Serpentine (The Dell) and read. As is always the case...it was pouring rain while I was treking to the cafe and my umbrella was turned inside out twice, so I arrived in a waterlogged state and immedately ordered a cup of tea. 15 minutes after I settled in...the rain stopped...the sun came out...and the pigeons attempted to dry off. So on my walk back to the tube station, I took some pictures of flora and fauna in their dewdrop states. And of course...I took pictures of the soggy pigeons cause they made me giggle hiding from the rain with their frizzy feathers.

Blog Slacker

Yup...that's me. I have so much to catch everyone up on! April and May were really hectic months for me with 4 essays, a dissertation presentation, training for a new job and trips to Scotland and Italy. But now the essays are done and turned in. My dissertation is underway. My part time job is picking up so I'm making money and structuring my time (I have no classes to attend anymore). And my trips are done for now (...sniff..) so it's life as usual in London. I absolutely love this place though and the longer I'm here the more I want to stay. So we'll see...this year long stint could turn into a couple of years. It would be nice to get to know this city as a working person...not a poor student.

So...this is the introduction to a bunch of new posts in which I'll go through a bunch of random things I've been doing lately with plenty of pictures!

Hope you enjoy catching up with me :)