27 November 2006

Thanksgiving in London

Just yesterday my American friends and I celebrated Thanksgiving by cooking up a storm and having a bunch of people crammed into our tiny hall kitchen and introducing them to the yummiest American holiday :) It was nice to have a little bit of home in Britain (a big shout out to Mom who sent me key ingredients for the Green bean casserole and pumpkin pies!)

Here are some pictures of our event:

Props to Molly and Mike for fantabulous turkeys!

Tight space...but we're all friends. This is everyone waiting for the food!

Here's the spread...we had everything - mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, salad, bread and I made sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole and pumpkin pies. I was feeling quite domestic!

Here are the American hotesses...Me, Lynn and Molly (she's not really that short).

20 November 2006

Brighton, Canterbury, Dover...Oh My!

Sorry for being a blog slacker! Things have been quite busy recently with school and trips and we had a computer downtime (I lost all connection with the outside world!) but that's been remedied and I'm back!

Last week I went to Brighton on my own for my first outside of London trip. I spent most of my time wandering along the pebbley beach enjoying the ocean. It reminded me of San Diego less the sand and sun :) But it was a beautiful day nonetheless and Brighton is an adorable place. The waterfront has a ton of cute shops and really good artist stores with handmade jewlery, paintings, carvings and so many other great things. I'll definitely need to go back there sometime!

The very next day after Brighton I went on a tour of Canterbury and Dover Castle. It was a whirlwind trip because there was so much to see in one day, but the town of Canterbury is adorable with really great shopping! And the Canterbury Cathedral is something everyone should see. It really is incredible and from what I understand is considered the main cathedral for the Church of England. Well worth the visit! And Dover Castle is like going back in time. It's so funny to think that I'm wandering around a castle that's hundreds of years old and I could have visited in a past life or something. Really neat. And the view is incredible looking out over the English Channel. That's where you can catch the ferry to France! We quickly drove past the white cliffs of Dover but my pictures came out as a blur...otherwise...I'd show you those too!

School has been keeping me busy too. I turned in my first essay last Wednesday and I have to get reading and researching for my next two essays and presentations. Time to really get into school mode! The great part though is that I'm reading about things that really interest me so the reading isn't tough to make myself do...it's just the time that seems to fly by so I never get through everything I want!

Oooh...I will have some fun footage for you all soon! I spent this last weekend in Birmingham for the Jitsu Nationals (I have few pictures cause I was inside pretty much the whole time!). I got to train and compete with novices from all across the country and watch competitions for the higher grades including the black belts which was awesome! My friend Lynn got video of my competition so when she gets me the clip I'll post the link so you can all see me in action. I'm not super good (cause I got punched in the face during my gauntlet! - my fault) but I'm still learning and in the end it's a ton of fun and the people I've met are just awesome :)

That's all for now! I have some pictures for you below. Hope you enjoy!


The Tower Bridge at Twilight - I'm proud of this pretty picture :)

Royal Pavilion in Brighton

Brighton Pier - Really good chips!! (That's fries to you americans!)

View from Brighton Beach...Love that!!

Canterbury Cathedral...the picture doesn't do it justice.

One inside part of Canterbury Cathedral.

The Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral

Dover Castle...the far away shot is necessary...it's too big to get up close!

View from the top of the Castle.

Saint Mary's Church within the walls of Dover Castle

06 November 2006

Guy Fawkes Day - Funny Holiday!

It's been a little while since my last post mostly because there hasn't been much going on besides school. Plus I got a cold which is just now starting to go away so I slept my way through almost a whole week :) That's the benefit of not working right now...I can sleep in!

We did have a couple of Halloween parties which was fun. I...the punny person I am...went as a ceiling fan by making a T-shirt that said "Go Ceilings!". It was lost on a few people...but it made laugh. I was unaware that the focus for costumes (or "fancy dress" as it's called here) is still on the scary stuff and not so much on just dressing up. Who knew! We had a good time though and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. I forgot to bring my camera though so unfortunately...no good party pictures for the blog!

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes day which I have to say is the oddest holiday I've experienced. Basically...this guy (Guy Fawkes) and his crew tried to blow up Parlaiment in 1605 in order to overthrow the king. He put 36 barrels of gunpowder under parlaiment and they were prepared to fire them until it occurred to them they'd be killing some innocent people so someone from the group sent an anonymous letter to tell them about the plot. So...today...we celebrate their great failure by firing off gazillions of fireworks for days at a time! Unlike in Reno, fireworks are readily accessible in the grocery store so there were firework displays everywhere. Sounded like gunfire for 3 days straight! There's a song too...I'll need to learn that! Either way...it was fun to see fireworks cause I love them!

I am headed to Brigton and Canturbury and Dover Castle this weekend so I'll post some new pictures of fancy new places soon. In the meantime, I just added a few more of my pictures for kicks.

Happy Guy Fawkes to everyone! And Happy Full Moon (as of 1pm my time yesterday)...watch out for the crazies :)

Pictures: (1) Cutty Sark - fancy old boat in Greenwich that's cemented in (2) Burlington Arcade in downtown - expensive shops, but its soo pretty! (3) Artsy Sidewalk along Green Park (4) Really expensive Street! If you can afford to shop at Chanel, Harry Winston, Armani and others...go here! (5) Girls on a pub Crawl :) [left to right - Molly, Alison, Joanna, Vanessa and ME!