07 August 2009

I've moved!

Well...metaphorically that is. I'm still living in London (sorry Mom & Dad) but I've moved in cyberspace. Since it's nearly been a year since my last blog post, I figured I needed to make some changes. In an effort to make it easier for me to blog and share my insanity with those I know and love (and the other people who randomly found this) I've decided to Tumblr!

My new craziness is now located at Hezstory.tumblr.com

It's equally as fun, will have smaller snippets from my tweets and from my trusty iPhone, I can upload photos when I take them or write a post on the tube (there's already a really long and random one). I could even sing you a little song and upload it. How fun (and annoying!)

So read up and enjoy and I promise I'll be staying in better touch!