03 June 2008


May certainly got away from me. Earlier in the month I had a big award ceremony for work that kept me crazy busy, but in the end was really successful...even got a promotion! To celebrate, I took off to Spain with two of my favorite people, Miss Lynn and Miss Molls and we had a crazy rockin' time in Barcelona. Really relaxing...amazing architecture...and a much needed day trip to Montserrat, a monastery in the Pyrenees.

Check out the pictures here.


It's definitely not comprehensive though because like a spaz, I somehow managed to delete nearly 100 photos from my camera during the upload! (Sniff!) So...you might just have to Google La Pedrera. And I did take awesome pictures of the football stadium with a crazy Barcelona v. Argentina match on...but alas...they're gone along with every photo I took along our bus tour. Go figure! Also managed to delete some things from our day trip too...but luckily, Molly had some of those so I've credited her in the slideshow.

This pic I took with my phone as we were hiking up the Pyrenees...pretty awesome up there!