30 April 2008

It's raining, it's pouring...

You know how in movies to show that someone is having a bad day they make it start raining and then a car speeds by and they get literally drenched with water? That happened to me today. No lie! The funniest part was that I was having a brilliant day so instead of getting frustrated, I was cracking up on the sidewalk thinking about how I always see stuff like that in movies but have never seen it in real life. So...I hopped on the tube soaking wet and getting weird looks, but my book was too good for me to care. Then I played in the puddles on the way home instead of trying to scoot around them on high ground. It was so much fun to just enjoy the weather and truck right through the puddles with people watching you like you're mad. I figure they'd thought about it too, but just hadn't worked up the nerve to look like a weirdy and try it. Lucky for me...I'm having a day where I'm pretty much up for anything so I figured...why not.

Anyway...wanted to share that with you. Perhaps later I will backtrack and upload the pretty pictures I took over the weekend when we had absolutely gorgeous weather! I tell you...the royal gardens are absolutely amazing.

24 April 2008

I win!

How time flies. I haven't had internet access at home recently and crazy days at work, which will hopefully explain why I spent time on my lunch break today taking a quiz to see how many 5 year olds I could take in a fight. 22...not bad! Perhaps I should consider going into elementary education...hmmmmm....


06 April 2008

Crazy World...

Friday...everyone thought spring had arrived. The sun was out. The weather was warm. Birds were chirping. Flowers in bloom.

This morning...

Yup...that's the view out my window. Yup...that's London at sea level. Yup...it's APRIL!
Our poor planet is ill and confused :(

With Earth day approaching...perhaps I should Do The Green Thing as a present to cheer her up and bring out the Spring!