31 March 2008


Finally got all my pictures uploaded so you can see em all. There are still a bazillion funny one's on Aditi's camera so when I get those, I'll post some of them too. If you click on the link after the picture of my hammy travel companions below, you'll go right to my photo album:)

See the rest!

28 March 2008

Makin' Changes

As you can see...I've made some visual changes to my blog. Figured I'd spice things up a bit! And since I've been super sucky at my resolution to keep in touch, I'm going to need to give you a recap of the last 3 months (um...can anyone tell me where they went??)

January and February were insanely busy at work, especially since I was still getting to know what my job was! For those of you asking what exactly my job is...I think I know now. My title is Marketing & Events, but basically I get to project manage an awards programme for 11-18 year olds called CHANGEit, run a leadership programme for pre-career leaders called Frontrunner, and organise a big conference for the graduates of all our programmes. It's a lot to do...but I'm really enjoying it. (Check out the CHANGEit link in my link-list...it's the blog I started on the awards and you can read about all our finalists...they're brilliant and make me wonder what I've done with my life!)

So...back to busy...the reason I was so busy was that we got all our nominations in for the awards, then we had to create a shortlist, and in the last half of January, I started tromping all over the country to visit more than 20 campaigning groups. I got to go to Liverpool, Newcastle, Hartlepool, Oxford, Dover, Portsmouth, Reading, Wigan, Milton Keynes, Brighton, Kent, Leeds and Birmingham (I think I got all of them). I was basically on a train for a month. I do have some pictures from those trips too...just have to get them off my phone and I'll post them up.

In betweens the work travel I did manage some fun times with friends...Molly and I took a day trip to Brighton that was cold...but hilarious. (Molls gets all the photo credits)

Hmm...March. Yeah...that didn't slow down much with work, and cause I'm a masochist I signed up to run a half marathon too. So on Sunday 9 March I took a coach to Silverstone Formula one raceway, strapped on my running gear and took off with about 7000 other people. I did finish...took me 2:26:10...(had to walk a little bit) but...I finished! That was really my only goal since I hadn't really had time to properly train. My favorite bit was that I was passed by a speed walker...a man in armor (no lie...he's in the pictures!) and a dude in a full on sonic the hedgehog costume! Made me giggle and wish I had a camera. Lucky for me...they take lots of photos at those things.

After all the runnin....I decided it was time for some fun. We wandered about in the rain and cold for St. Paddy's day weekend in London...lots of concerts...crazy people in green...irish dancing...so much fun. And then for Easter we jetted (well...trained and ferried) to Dublin for a quick visit. Lucky for Aditi and I, Molly and Eamonn used to live there so they were good tour guides and had fun Irish friends to hang with. I should have the link with all the Dublin photos posted tomorrow (For sure this time!) And when I get more funny ones from Aditi's camera...I'll post those too :)

Okay...that's enough of a recap for now. I'm really gonna try to post more often cause I forget everything I do so it would help me figure out where my time goes too. But I make no promises....

Hope you like the new look!